Smart Power Genset

//Smart Power Genset

Smart Power Genset

About the Product

DCS has developed an innovative smart genset system designed to be seamlessly integrated into existing gensets. This advanced system brings cutting-edge features such as Automatic Load Management, which optimizes power output based on real-time load demands, enhancing fuel efficiency and reducing operational costs. The system also includes Remote Monitoring capabilities, allowing users to track and manage genset performance through online platforms or mobile apps, providing unparalleled control and oversight. With Enhanced Fuel Efficiency technologies and Integrated Control Systems, the smart genset system maximizes fuel use and improves management and diagnostics. It adheres to stringent Environmental Compliance standards, incorporating advanced filtration and catalytic converters to minimize emissions. Built for Reliability and Durability, the system is constructed from high-quality materials to ensure long-term performance with minimal downtime. Additionally, its User-friendly Interfaces offer intuitive displays and controls, simplifying operation and maintenance for users.


Manas Sales and Services, Pune

  • IoT Devices: Sensors and actuators are integrated for real-time data collection and interaction with the genset, enabling features like Automatic Load Management and Remote Monitoring.
  • Communication Protocols: Wi-Fi and Cellular Modules: For Remote Monitoring, these modules facilitate real-time data transmission and remote access via online platforms or mobile apps.
  • Emission Control Components: Includes high-quality filtration systems and catalytic converters to ensure Environmental Compliance.
  • Data Logging and Diagnostics Hardware: Collects and analyzes data for better management, reliability, and maintenance of the genset.
Dashboard for Operator
  • Real-Time Data Display:
    • Power Output: Shows current power generation and usage for each genset.
    • Fuel Level: Displays remaining fuel or current consumption rates for all machines.
    • Engine Temperature: Monitors the operating temperature of each genset.
    • Voltage and Frequency: Provides information on voltage and frequency, ensuring they are within acceptable ranges for all units.
    • Load Levels: Displays the load being handled by each genset.
  • Operational Status:
    • Running Status: Indicates whether each genset is running, idle, or off.
    • Fault Alerts: Shows current faults or warnings with detailed descriptions and suggested actions for each unit.
    • Battery Status: Monitors battery health and charge levels for all gensets.
  • Historical Data and Trends:
    • Performance History: Provides historical data on power output, fuel consumption, and other critical parameters for all units.
    • Trend Analysis: Graphs and charts showing performance trends over time for each genset.
  • Control and Configuration:
    • Start/Stop Controls: Allows remote starting and stopping of each genset.
    • Load Adjustment: Lets you adjust the load settings if supported.
    • Configuration Settings: Access to configure operational parameters and set preferences for each genset.
  • Maintenance Information:
    • Service Reminders: Lists upcoming maintenance tasks and schedules for all units.
    • Maintenance History: Keeps a record of past maintenance activities and repairs for each genset.
  • Alerts and Notifications:
    • Real-Time Alerts: Push notifications or alerts for critical issues, maintenance reminders, or operational changes for each genset.
    • Custom Notifications: Allows users to set up custom alerts based on specific conditions for different units.
  • User Management:
    • Access Control: Manage user permissions and roles for accessing various features of the dashboard.
    • Activity Logs: Tracks user actions and system changes for security and audit purposes.
  • Integration Capabilities:
    • System Integration: Can integrate with other systems like building management systems (BMS) or IoT platforms.
    • API Access: Provides APIs for integration with third-party applications or platforms.
  • Visualization Tools:
    • Graphs and Charts: Visual representations of performance metrics and trends for all gensets.
    • Map Integration: Shows the location of each genset on a map for efficient fleet management.
  • Customization Options:
    • Dashboard Layout: Allows users to customize the layout and appearance of the dashboard to meet their specific needs.
Mobile Apps
  • Remote Monitoring: Allows users to check the genset’s status, including operational parameters like power output, fuel level, and engine temperature, from anywhere.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Sends real-time alerts and notifications to your mobile device about operational issues, maintenance needs, or when the genset switches to backup power.
  • Control Functions: Enables remote start/stop, load adjustment, and other control functions directly from your phone or tablet.
  • Performance Analytics: Provides insights and historical data on the genset’s performance, including fuel consumption, operational hours, and efficiency metrics.
  • Maintenance Scheduling: Facilitates scheduling of routine maintenance tasks and keeps track of maintenance history and upcoming service requirements.
  • Diagnostic Tools: Offers diagnostic information and troubleshooting guides to help identify and resolve issues quickly.
  • User Management: Allows multiple users with different access levels, such as administrators, operators, and service technicians, to manage and monitor the genset.
  • Geolocation Tracking: Provides the ability to track the physical location of the genset, which can be useful for fleet management.
  • Firmware Updates: Allows for remote firmware updates to keep the genset’s control systems up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.
Technology Used

Conceptual Design

  • CAD Software (Catia): For designing the integration hardware, such as sensor mounts, control units, and housing that can be retrofitted onto existing gensets.

Hardware Development

  • Microcontrollers/Embedded Systems (e.g., STM32, ESP32): Serve as the core processing unit, collecting data from sensors, controlling the genset, and managing communication with the mobile app and dashboard.
  • Sensor Modules:
    • Voltage and Current Sensors: For monitoring the electrical output of the genset.
    • Fuel Level Sensors: To monitor the fuel levels and optimize refueling schedules.
    • Temperature Sensors: To monitor engine and exhaust temperatures, ensuring the genset operates within safe limits.
  • Control Modules:
    • Actuators and Relays: For controlling the genset’s start/stop operations, fuel flow, and load management.
    • Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR): For maintaining stable voltage output.
    • Communication Modules (e.g., Wi-Fi, GSM, RS485): For enabling remote monitoring and control, especially in areas with limited connectivity.

Embedded Systems Development

  • Programming Languages (C/C++, Python): For developing firmware that handles sensor data acquisition, control algorithms, and communication protocols.
  • Embedded Development Platforms (PlatformIO): For coding, testing, and deploying the embedded software.
  • Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS): For managing multiple tasks, such as real-time monitoring, control, and communication.

Industrial Communication Protocols

  • Modbus (RTU/TCP): A widely used protocol in industrial automation, ideal for communication between the genset control system and monitoring devices.
  • CAN Bus: Often used in automotive and industrial applications, suitable for communicating between various modules within the genset.
  • MQTT: A lightweight messaging protocol for connecting the genset to cloud services, enabling real-time monitoring and control via mobile apps.
  • OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture): For secure and reliable data exchange between the genset system and higher-level control systems, such as SCADA. (Optional with Higher version only)

Signal Processing and Data Analytics

  • Digital Signal Processing (DSP): For accurate measurement and filtering of electrical parameters such as voltage, current, and power factor.
  • Energy Consumption Analysis: Tracking and analyzing fuel consumption patterns to optimize fuel usage and reduce costs.
  • Fuel Efficiency Optimization: Analyzing operational data to improve fuel efficiency through better load management and operational practices.

Predictive Maintenance and Machine Learning (ML)

  • Predictive Maintenance Algorithms: Using ML models to predict when maintenance is required based on historical sensor data, reducing unplanned downtime and extending the lifespan of the genset.
  • Anomaly Detection: Implementing ML models to detect deviations from normal operation, which can indicate potential issues such as fuel theft, mechanical failures, or inefficiencies.
  • Fuel Theft/Leakage Detection: Using data from fuel level sensors, flow meters, and consumption patterns to detect abnormal changes that may indicate fuel theft or leakage.
  • Consumption Pattern Analysis: Leveraging historical data to understand usage trends, optimize operations, and plan for future fuel needs.

Mobile App Development

  • Development Frameworks (React Native): For building cross-platform or native mobile apps that allow users to monitor genset status, control operations, and receive alerts.
  • Backend Services (Firebase, AWS Amplify): To manage user authentication, data storage, and real-time synchronization with the genset system.
  • Wi-Fi SDKs: For integrating local communication between the mobile app and the genset, especially for nearby control without cloud dependency.
  • UI/UX Design Tools (Figma): For designing a user-friendly interface that displays genset data and controls.

Cloud Integration and Data Management

  • IoT Platforms (ThingsBoard): For managing connectivity, data ingestion, and storage for the genset monitoring system.
  • Edge Computing: For processing data locally on the genset, reducing latency and bandwidth usage, especially for critical control tasks.
  • Real-Time Databases (Firebase Realtime Database): For storing and retrieving time-series data such as power output, fuel consumption, and maintenance logs.
  • Data Analytics Tools (AWS QuickSight): For analyzing trends, generating reports, and providing insights on genset performance.

Dashboard Development

  • Frontend Technologies (React.js, Angular): For developing a web-based dashboard that provides real-time monitoring and control of multiple gensets.
  • Backend Technologies (Node.js, Python with Flask/Django): For handling data processing, API integration, and user management.
  • Data Visualization Libraries (D3.js, Chart.js): For creating interactive charts and graphs to visualize genset performance metrics, maintenance schedules, and alerts.
  • WebSocket/Real-time Communication: To ensure the dashboard displays up-to-date information with minimal delay.

Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Simulation Tools (Proteus, LTspice): For simulating circuit designs and verifying their functionality before hardware deployment.
  • Mobile App Testing Tools (TestFlight): For ensuring the mobile app functions correctly across different devices and platforms.
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Testing: For testing the integration of hardware and software in real-time conditions to ensure seamless operation.
  • Field Testing: Deploying prototypes in real-world environments to evaluate performance, reliability, and user interaction.

Manufacturing and Assembly

  • PCB Design Software (Eagle): For designing the printed circuit boards that integrate all electronic components. (Outsoursed)
  • Surface Mount Technology (SMT): For assembling PCBs, ensuring precision and consistency in large-scale production.
  • 3D Printing : For producing custom housings and mechanical parts that protect the electronics and fit existing gensets.
  • Compliance Testing: Ensuring the device meets industrial standards for safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and environmental durability (e.g., CE, UL certifications).
  • PCB Printing: Outsourced

Deployment and Maintenance

  • Over-the-Air (OTA) Updates: For remotely updating firmware to add new features or fix bugs without requiring physical access to the genset.
  • User Documentation and Training: Providing detailed manuals, installation guides, and training materials to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the system.